Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Heavy Heart

When God calls you to something, it's interesting that He also plants a passion in your heart that can't be quenched.  It's like he backs up your dreams with his.  Sometimes the fire burning inside my heart is so strong...

that I can't see past stepping off the plane and hugging kids.  

that I wonder if I could ever learn the language.  

that the return trip home will be twice as long and what about the "what-happens-next?"

Today I read a blog about being a visionary.  I like that word.  In my mind it means that God gives life to your dreams.  

"Being a visionary has to do with what you can bring to life. God is the Creator not because He imagined or envisioned creation. But because He acted and brought it into existence. ~ Steven Furtick"

I strive to have God-sized dreams and dreams that align with his will. Going on international mission trips will always be on my dream list.  That is what I feel called to.  I know God is breathing life into this mission trip dream to Africa.  He has inflated my heart with his passion for the broken there.  I have too many tears not to go.


I felt your "Heavy Heart" when I read this! Deff a feeling and call I know well. I am praying for you!!

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